Chocolate Chip Scones

It’s amazing how much peoples’ lives change after having kids.  For example, our movie selections.  Do you remember watching movies with adult humor without giving it a second thought?  Those days are gone…for now.  As a reward for good behavior, my daughter received the movie “High School Musical.”  She is hooked on movies with singing and dancing, and sheRead More

Boston Creme Mini Tarts

Have you ever been sucked into the bakery section of a grocery store?  When you go into a good one, it’s like being stuck in a black hole of desserts that you don’t want to escape from without at least a souvenir from your traumatic experience.  The mini tarts are included in some of these stores,Read More


The day I made these cookies was also the day I realized it was time to start enforcing a little privacy from my 4 year old.  Remember the days of taking an uninterrupted shower for longer than five minutes?  I found myself locking the door after my daughter became curious with questions.  Now I’ve become a skilledRead More

Lemon Strawberry Moscato Punch

Would you consider yourself more of a rule-breaker or follower?  If there’s a logical reason behind a rule, I’ll follow it.  However, if the reason behind the rule is, “Because I said so,” you might as well light a fire under my rump and put a flashing neon sign out that says, “Break me!” So when IRead More

Oreo Delight

The original recipe for this particular dessert is my Oreo Trifle that I put together a long time ago.  Since then, it’s been a huge hit…but I also wanted to create an easier recipe using the same ingredients as the trifle, only it’s more like a pie.  So, you could say this is the sisterRead More

Chicken Piccata

Although I finished culinary school last August and went out with a bang as this dish for my final exam, I still can’t seem to get enough of this recipe.  It’s delicious.  I made it a few times at home before the big exam, and enjoyed every taste test of it.  The first time IRead More

Lemon Poppyseed Cookies

In all honesty, I’m a little picky when it comes to citrus flavors.  I like lemons, but there are certain lemon desserts and other dishes that I keep at arm’s length… but lemon poppyseed is a combination that I usually give a bear hug.  I catch myself lingering in the bakery at the store when IRead More

Gingerbread Trifle

Tis the season for trifles…and gingerbread!  What better way to celebrate the holidays by combining these two gems together?  Exactly my thoughts as well.  After making the upside down apple gingerbread cake, I decided to utilize it in a trifle recipe.  My husband and I were just discussing last night how neither one of usRead More

Crock Pot Chocolate Candy

With the holidays quickly approaching, this is actually a recipe that I’ve seen floating around in several different places.  And naturally, since it’s floating around in several different places, there are several different recipes for it.  I’ve seen different types of chocolate, different nuts, added coconut, all kinds of stuff.  Well, I kept this batchRead More