Whenever I go over to my brother’s house for dinner, dessert is always my responsibility. And honestly, I can happily take that assignment. My sister-in-law asked me a few weeks ago if I could start bringing something that’s a little more healthy, since we’re all trying to do a little better with our health improvement. She’s actually making more meals from healthy cookbooks that give nutritional information for the meals. A couple of weeks ago, I took the Oreo Trifle over there for dessert. Even though I used light whipped topping and low fat milk….it was still very heavy and rich. After that dessert, my brother felt guilty for eating a big helping of it, and he also asked if I could start bringing something that’s a little more on the healthy side. So, I started to do some research.
Cooking Light has sent me a few recipe books over the past few months, and they’re wonderful. And these aren’t just little recipe books, but the big ole fat ones with tons, and tons, and TONS of recipes. Well, I have three of these books now, so this should keep me busy for a while. In all honesty, I haven’t made a REAL chocolate mousse yet, so I didn’t know what all was involved in the ingredients of the original…but after taking just one look at the ingredients and nutritional information…holy cow, this thing was healthy. It was light in taste and texture, and none of us had any guilt with eating a full serving of it. And again, our professional taste tester (my two year old daughter) approved. Again, and again, and again. As soon as I got a spoonful in her mouth, she was reaching for more. At 147 calories per serving, this was perfect. It’s not as amazing as the original chocolate mousse, but if you’re looking for something sweet to follow a meal and isn’t packed with all of those calories, this may be it!
Healthy Chocolate Mousse Recipe:
3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips, melted
12.3 oz package firm low fat tofu
1/2 cup white sugar
1/4 cup water
3 large egg whites
1/4 teaspoon salt
Place melted chocolate chips and tofu in a food processor or blender, and process 2 minutes or until smooth. Place salt and egg whites in a medium bowl, and beat with a mixer at high speed until stiff peaks form. Combine sugar and water in a small saucepan, bring to a boil. Cook, without stirring, until candy thermometer registers 250 degrees. Pour hot sugar syrup in a thin stream over egg whites, beating at high speed. Gently stir in one fourth or meringue into tofu mixture, gently fold in remaining meringue. Spoon 1/2 cup mousse into each of 8 (6 oz.) custard cups. Cover and chill at least 4 hours. If desired, garnish with lite whipped topping and sprinkle cocoa on top. Yield: 8 servings (serving size: 1/2 cup).
Calories- 147 Fat- 5.6g Protein- 5.2g Carb-22.5g Fiber- 0.2g