Every once in a while, I get a craving for hot chocolate. Takes me back to my young, spring chicken days of drinking hot chocolate with tons of mini marshmallows packed in there, always asking for more because there never seemed to be enough. Although it’s summertime, that craving still peeks its head around the corner every now and then. Well, nothing is more disappointing than discovering there’s nothing in the cabinet to satisfy your craving whenever this situation hits, so it’s always nice to be able to make it yourself. Take that, non-existent hot chocolate packets in my pantry. I’ve come up with a solution to that problem.
But, things have changed as I’ve gotten older…I love coffee. As a kid, I used to make a face at my mom’s cup of coffee in the morning. Now, we enjoy our cups of coffee together during our visits. With this recipe, I get that perfect mixture of hot chocolate, along with coffee. And also, if you want to spice it up with a little bit of cinnamon, you can do that…Why? Because this stuff is made from scratch, so you can throw it together however you want. Don’t like coffee? Replace the coffee granules with more powdered coffee creamer. Yes. After I mixed this up for the first time, the thought of making some adjustments if needed were already in my head…but after taking a few sips, I said out loud to my dogs, “This is really good!” Too bad they can’t have any, because they actually might enjoy it.
Mocha Hot Chocolate Mix Recipe:
1 tablespoon dark chocolate cocoa
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 tablespoon powdered coffee creamer
1/2 tablespoon instant coffee granules
Combine all ingredients in coffee mug. Add 1 cup of boiling water and stir well, until dissolved. Serve with mini marshmallows, if desired.